Supplements Never Feed Bird Grit

Bird Grit, Harmful Ingredients

Before reading this article, be sure you have read the ‘Never Feed Bird Grit’ post, it provides valuable information. Be Aware of Ingredients In reviewing the ingredient list on this label of bird grit, the ones below in CAPITALS are the ingredients that are toxic and harmful. It’s these ingredients you want to avoid. Of…

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Supplements Never Feed Bird Grit

Never Feed Bird Grit, Harmful for Parrots

  Before feeding grit to any bird, you need you know the species of bird you want to feed grit to. Parrots and finches (psittacines and passerines) do not need grit. . . Did you know that feeding grit can even be harmful for these birds? Never feed birds grit. Keep reading to learn more.…

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Balanced Food PlanSupplements Avian Lighting Wave Length Chart

Best Parrot Light: Must Know Info

      Did you know that instead of using potentially dangerous vitamin D3 supplements, that there is a simpler and easier way – using proper lighting, the best parrot light – to ensure your birds get this essential nutrient?         In Leslie’s Article, “Avian Lighting: Essential, Simple and Easy”, you’ll learn:…

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Parrot Supplements – Not Needed!

Parrot supplements vs A Balance of Real Food When parrots and finches joined my family in 1998, I used to feed them a wide variety of supplements. But the only reason I did this was because I was just starting to learn about the correct combination of foods that makes up a TRUE–‘Balanced Exotic Avian…

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Maltodextrin-Bad For Parrots

While most people think that ‘Parrot Supplements’ are good for their birds, it’s essential to read the ‘fine print’ on the label. When you start reading labels you’ll quickly understand that many parrot supplements contain unhealthy ‘filler’ ingredients masquerading as something that is supposed to be healthy for your birds. Maltodextrin is just one of…

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Parrots MagazineSupplements Eckkie Hen sprouts

Feeding Parrots, Over-Supplementation Malnutrition

  This blog contains excerpts from my column, ‘The Holistic Parrot’, that appears in the April 2011, #159 issue of  Parrots magazine. ** Information update, since this blog was originally written and posted I have created a ‘Balanced Exotic Avian Food Plan’. When feeding the foods in this plan avian vitamin supplements are completely unnecessary,…

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Parrots MagazineSupplements Liquid DMG

DMG and Birds

Originally published in Parrots magazine, April 2006, issue #99 in my monthly column The Holistic Parrot When feeding parrots a balance of foods that provides balanced nutrition, supplements are not needed. DMG is one of the few supplements  I use and suggest avian caregivers use in very specific situations. DMG, A Nutrient Breakthrough From wild…

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Other AnimalsSupplements Liquid DMG

DMG – A Metabolic Miracle!

  Introducing DMG – Dimethlyglycine . Dimethlyglycine (DMG)  is an intricate part of animal and human metabolism. In biochemical terms it may described as an intermediary metabolite. Biochemically it occupies a central position in a cell’s metabolic pathway. (1)   This is why it can produce  a wide range of  positive effects in the body,…

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