Our clients tell why Best Bird Food Ever! are the best parrot sprouts
Kings Row Pet Hospital LOVES Our Sprouting Blends
As a vet, over the past 30 years, I have seen a wide range of parrots and other birds for a far-reaching variety of health problems. Over this time I have also become acutely aware of how the problem of improper avian nutrition debilitates and shortens the life of companion parrots. Avian malnutrition and under-nutrition has been directly linked to causing a wide range of diseases, disorders and health problems. Before discovering the Best Bird Food Ever! I had recommended that my clients feed a wide variety of fresh fruits, vegetables, some seed and a few nuts along with a high-quality pelleted diet.
In April of 2009 one of my clients, Leslie Moran, brought one of her birds in for treatment, an 11 year-old Budgie. Although this bird was nearing the end of his life, I was instantly impressed by the array of foods Ms. Moran had in this bird’s travel cage. As I asked about what she fed she succinctly explained the values and benefits of her complete protein sprouting blend formulas. I immediately began carrying her product, the Best Bird Food Ever!, in my clinic.
Since then in my clients, who consistently feed this product as 50% of their bird’s diet, I have seen a general improvement in the levels of health of these birds and an increase in feather quality, color and condition. Clearly, Ms. Moran is on to something here.
For everyone who values improving the health and well-being of your parrots, and other birds, I highly recommend feeding the Best Bird Food Ever! Complete Protein Sprouting Blends, as directed, to all the birds under your care.
Over the past 30 years, I have seen thousands of animal nutritional products come and go. I have also been privy to some of the case studies Ms. Moran has worked with. Based on the results I’ve seen in my clients and in the results that Ms. Moran has achieved with her own birds and those of her clients, I believe that the Best Bird Food Ever! Complete Protein Sprouting Blends is the ideal bird food to help reverse the ravages of avian malnutrition.
Avian malnutrition and under-nutrition is the leading cause of illness, disease and premature death of parrots and all birds. This statistic is tragic, and now with Ms. Moran’s bird food, the Best Bird Food Ever!, we finally have a bird food that – if fed as directed – has the potential to reverse the statistics and put an end to the endless array of problems that improper nutrition causes in the avian clients I see in my veterinary practice.
Mark Ditsworth, DVM
Kings Row Pet Hospital
Reno, NV
Leslie Knows Her Stuff
I have a background in biochemistry and did scientific research for ten years. I am very impressed that Leslie’s nutritional information for parrots is so well documented. There is so much pseudoscience online — but Leslie really knows what she is talking about.
Marie-Claude, Canada

Rosemary Low’s Pearly Conures, enjoying our sprouting blends.
Your Sprouting Mixes are Excellent!
I found your sprouting mixes excellent. Indeed, when I spoke about Parrot Nutrition at the Think Parrots meeting, Mike Taylor of Northern Parrots told me he had a big rush on sprouting mixtures afterwards! One comment I received, was that the sprouted grains I showed in my photo were much better than those he used. The photo I used was your mixture!
Your book and articles have taught me a lot about the blends of sprouting mixtures and that you do not need a lot of items. just those that complement each other.
Rosemary Low, England

Lilac-crowned Amazon.
Lilly’s Story as told by Marilyn and Leslie Moran, BBFE!
“The relationship with Lily, my Lilac Crowned Amazon, isn’t effortless like with my other parrots. Interacting with her takes a lot of patience, I rarely see improvement and she always seems unhappy. Her most common activities are sleeping, eating and sitting on top of her cage staring at the wall – this disturbs me.” When Marilyn contacted me for a personalized consultation with Lily these keys points caught my attention with a snap. “When she’s not feeling well I get the distinct impression that she’d rather just sit in her cage and be left alone – this just breaks my heart. When she’s feeling well, she’ll sit facing out more. Or she’ll sit on the cage door. But when she’s facing the wall, that’s one way I can tell that she’s sick.”
“Then, when she goes on the medications I usually see an almost immediate improvement in her demeanor. However, when she’s completed all the doses and her gram stain is clear, I slowly watch her go back to being sullen, scared and grumpy. Then I take in another dropping sample for a gram stain and she’s started on medication all over again. Her usual diagnosis is either yeast or clostridium. This been going on for years.”
“She also seems to have very poor balance – it’s very difficult for her to stand on my hand or shoulder. Our veterinarian can’t find any reason for this. And Lily is unusually reactive to the movements of my hands. She’s very fearful of them. I’ve been working to get her over this for the past five years, but we’re not making much progress. I have a constant stream of new bird toys in her cage, foot toys and chewables. She rarely touches them unless it’s a foraging toy and there’s a treat buried inside.”
Lilly’s diet before consultation: Harrison’s high potency course, sprouts (other than Best Bird Food Ever!), fresh fruit and vegetables. Training treats included organic peanuts, pinches of pepper jack cheese, almonds and nutriberries.
Wellness Approach
With Lily, I knew right away the course of action we needed to take to get her well and free her from the endless cycle of infections. With the illness pattern alternating back and forth between yeast and bacteria, this bird’s immune system needed to be strengthened so she could rise above and stay above the infection threshold of these two organisms. This would allow Lily to remain healthy instead of being drawn back down into sickness. A balanced diet providing proper nutrition is the foundation for good health and wellness.
Personal Program
First, Lily was put on a diet tailored specifically to her needs. One that would provide her the finest nutrition possible. This also meant that specific foods would need to be completely removed from her diet. These diet changes would help her body build new healthy cells that would strengthen her immune system and support her continued well-being. Our wheat-Free sprouting blend made up the foundational food in Lily’s food plan. As a part of her personalized program I formulated an herbal tincture especially for her that would support and restore balance to her immune system.. After about four weeks Marilyn reported that the diet change was going well for Lily and that she didn’t seem as sick as usual. And the good news was that Lily was growing pinfeathers. “She was growing pin feathers all over the place. That’s a good sign! When Lily’s sick, she doesn’t grow new feathers,” said Marilyn.
At eight weeks, Marilyn reported that Lily’s appetite was fine, activity level was about the same, but she was beginning to see indications that her girl was starting to feel better. Her vocalizations slightly increased, and she’s more interested in interacting with me. She bows her head for scritches much more often now and comes to the front of her cage about 60-70 percent of the time when I ask her to. This is great progress for her.
Marilyn’s news at 10 weeks detailed that Lily was still doing well. “In fact, she feels so good she keeps trying to fly. She has also been more vocal and pins her eyes (bird wow!) all the time. I had to work really hard before to make that happen.”
At 12 weeks, Marilyn was seeing a mixed response, two steps forward and one step back. Lily was wanting less physical interaction. However, her balance was beginning to improve. Marilyn reported that Lily hadn’t tripped and fallen in a while. Another back step noted was that Lily became less cooperative when taking her herbal tincture. Marilyn commented that Lily was also going through a massive molt. She felt certain that this was possible because her body was healthy enough to go through with it.
Week 13, “We’ve gotten over the problem with her herbal tincture,” Marilyn reported. “Lily’s been social but quiet, and in general she’s been acting pretty healthy. She is still much more enthusiastic about life.”
Week 18, “After the last increase of her herbal tincture, she became fatigued and has been sleeping more than she had been during the last couple of weeks. But otherwise her feathers look fantastic and she’s more vocal than ever. And the other day she just hopped onto my hand without a second thought. Previously, when she would step up, she had to think about it while weighing her options.”
Week 22, “She seems to be doing well. She’s been sleeping a little more than usual lately, but that’s all I’ve noticed. Otherwise she’s still more talkative, which is so nice to see.”
Week 26, “She seems well. And the great news is – she split some wood this morning from one of her toys!”
Week 28, “Lily continues to do well. She’s obviously feeling better.”
Week 33, Lily continues to do well. I can no longer try to watch TV or movies at all because she won’t shut up. I haven’t had that problem in years! I don’t mind though, it’s so wonderful that she’s feeling so much better.”
Due to Lily’s favorable response she was slowly weaned off of the personalized herbal tincture. Meanwhile, Marilyn has noticed that Lily has continued to improve. Another parrot whose life was transformed by a properly formulated, properly grown sprouting blend – the foundation of a well-balanced diet.
”Lily continues to do great. I suspect simply the diet change was what made the difference in her, so I will certainly continue feeding your sprouts and healthier foods. Thank you so much for your help with that! I’ll be contacting you soon to order more of your sprouting blends.”
Marilyn J., Reno, NV

Papaya, a pineapple green-cheeked conure.
My Conure Helps Me Sprout
My girl Papaya LOVES to help me prepare Best Bird Food Ever! sprouts. Papaya is the one who always wants to be with me when I’m making them. What she does is so funny because she eyes the jar every day until they are ready. Each day she taps on the glass sprouting jar with her beak in anticipation, and finally jumps in the bowl the second I pour them out on day three!
She jumps into the bowl the second I pour the sprouts in.
I truly appreciate your philosophy about animal care and your product speaks for itself! Such high quality, and the thought and research behind it to boot. Thank you again for taking the time to educate others and for creating such an amazing sprouting blend!
Archana, via email

Bare Eyed Cockatoo, Katie
Flock Harmony
We have a flock of all “recycled” parrots. Some have had many homes. We have hormonal & plucking issues and some chubby Amazons that were on bad diets for years. So we are always looking for something that is healthy that the guys will actually eat!
Our birds are fairly good eaters – some will eat anything and then our pickiest is Jack, my U2. One of his homes had children that would feed him candy! Trying to get Jack to eat greens is difficult. I hide, puree and the like. I have good luck with sweet potato or if something healthy gets attached to a piece of rotini pasta (via the sticky sweet potato)! Their health is tremendously important, as well as their happiness. Looking forward to trying your signature blend.
Later from Jeanne:
I had to let you know I tried my first batch of your sprouts this week. I have used lots of sprouts through the years, but never saw such fast germination! These guys were ready to do business!
Jeanne, via email

Lucy-Illiger Macaw
Your Started Kit is Great!
I am owned by Lucy, the Illeger macaw. I had no idea how hard I would fall in love with my girl. I’ve been experimenting with sprouting for her, but I’ve had limited success using online resources. This morning I threw away seeds that didn’t sprout and smelled like a musty dishcloth. I would like to order the starter kit advertised on your website, that includes the book, one pound bag of sprouting seed mix and the GSE.
Later from Shane,
You had a powerful role in my beloved Lucy’s health and happiness. She truly adored freshly sprouted food and with it I was able to give her my best year around.
Shane, Cary, NC

Aloysius-Male Eclectus
All My Birds LOVE Your Sprouting Blends
I have used your sprout mix for several years now. I love them… I have used other sprouting mixes, but this one pleases all my guys – everyone from my macaw to Eclectus all love them.
Pat, San Antonio

Oscar the Amazon
Converting a Seed Junky
I began using your sprouting mix in order to convert my seed junky to a healthy diet to improve his color and overall health. He absolutely loves them. He’s been eating them for a few months now and just went through a full molt and his color is radiant. The sprouts really helped because he used to refuse new things but he converted pretty quickly and they make up about 30% of his diet which is now full of 100% natural and organic food and no seed. The best part
is I’ve followed the instructions and never had a bad batch. They always look great. Thanks!
Janet, via email