How do I teach my parrot to talk?
Meet Chookie Dookers, Talking Budgie Extraordinaire. To learn more about how his favorite person trained him you need to read my article in the April 2022, issue #291 of Parrots magazine.
Did you know that in the Guinness Book of World Records it is a Budgerigar (Budgie) that holds the title for the parrot with the largest vocabulary?
In this video I introduce Chookie Dookers, Budgie Extraordinaire.
I met Chookie in December, 2021, when his ‘Mom’ Sharon sent me this video of Chookie Dookers talking. I had been asking for clients to send me videos of the comfort sounds their parrots make, and Sharon sent me this video of Chookie. And Chookie LOVES BBFE! properly grown sprouts.
Talking Budgie Goes Night-Night
In this video Chookie Dookers is talking himself to sleep.
Talking Budgie, “My Mommy Loves Me”
A parrot who feels good, behaves well and may become a better talker.
Learn why Chookie Dookers LOVES BBFE!
Start feed your parrot the Best Bird Food Ever! today.

Original sprouting kit with 2 sprouting jars
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