
What are Flower Essence Blends?

Personalized Flower Essence Blendsx In the holistic work I do with people and their animal companions I have seen personalized flower essence blends play an integral role in each healing and recovery process. x x What Are Flower Essence Blends ? In my work of healing the animals, I use a combination of the Bach…

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BehaviorFeather Destruction Green-cheeked Conure

Natural Parrot Care: Why do Parrots Pick Their Feathers?

This begins a new series discussing how to heal feather destruction habits in parrots. In sharing this information with you I ask you to acknowledge along with me that parrots are intelligent, sentient and self-aware individuals capable of feeling a wide range of human-like emotions. Improper or Imbalanced Nutrition Avian malnutrition, undernutrition and nutritional imbalances…

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BehaviorHealth & NutritionOther Animals Hands-on-healing

Building Good Health

In a group of animals why will one develop symptoms of sickness or disease while the others remain healthy? When wanting to build good health knowing which things to avoid is equally as important as utilizing health promoting natural care methods. The information on this page applies to all animals – parrots and birds of…

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BehaviorOther Animals Hands-on-healing

Healing Emotional Upsets & Behavior Issues at the Source

  Using Animal Communication to Identify and Heal Behavior Issues x Although this story discusses a dog, the method of animal communication and healing described here is an effective method for facilitating emotional healing and resolving behavior issues for all types of animals: parrots, other birds, dogs, cats, horses and other exotics. When working to…

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BehaviorHealth & NutritionSuccess Stories Green-checked conure

Healing Feather Destruction

Situation Elvis, a Green Cheeked conure, was given to Leslie in May 2005 because he plucked his feathers, practiced feather destruction habits. His former caretakers knew they could not address his needs and decided it was in his best interest to re-home him. When Leslie first met Elvis he had no conure-appropriate toys in his…

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