Parrots MagazineSupplements Eckkie Hen sprouts

Feeding Parrots, Over-Supplementation Malnutrition

  This blog contains excerpts from my column, ‘The Holistic Parrot’, that appears in the April 2011, #159 issue of  Parrots magazine. ** Information update, since this blog was originally written and posted I have created a ‘Balanced Exotic Avian Food Plan’. When feeding the foods in this plan avian vitamin supplements are completely unnecessary,…

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Health & Nutrition Crimson-winged parrot, male.

Nutritional Daily Requirements for Parrots

This blog contains excerpts from my column, ‘The Holistic Parrot’,  that appears in the March 2011, #158 issue of Parrots magazine.   x Nutritional Daily Requirements – Determining Minimum, Recommended and Optimal Levels The Association of American Feed Control Officials (AAFCO) published a preliminary report in 1998 titled, “Nutrition Expert Panel Review, New Rules for…

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BehaviorHealth & NutritionOther Animals Hands-on-healing

Building Good Health

In a group of animals why will one develop symptoms of sickness or disease while the others remain healthy? When wanting to build good health knowing which things to avoid is equally as important as utilizing health promoting natural care methods. The information on this page applies to all animals – parrots and birds of…

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Health & NutritionMalnutrition White-eyed Conure

What is Avian Malnutrition?

A Condition That Must Be Addressed Quickly According to the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, malnutrition is a common and detrimental condition that must be addressed quickly and comprehensively. Avian malnutrition cannot be diagnosed using blood work because blood work is used for identifying disease conditions. The easiest way to identify avian malnutrition is by…

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Nutritional Chart for Best Bird Food Ever

Our Sprouting Blends, the Nutrients They Provide We’ve made Balanced Avian Nutrition Easy for You! Recent nutritional analysis of the Best Bird Food Ever! Complete Protein Sprouting Blends using USDA Nutritional Database SR-21 affirms that this sprouting blends contains nearly all of the hundreds of nutrients a bird needs to eat everyday for good health…

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Parrots MagazineSupplements Liquid DMG

DMG and Birds

Originally published in Parrots magazine, April 2006, issue #99 in my monthly column The Holistic Parrot When feeding parrots a balance of foods that provides balanced nutrition, supplements are not needed. DMG is one of the few supplements  I use and suggest avian caregivers use in very specific situations. DMG, A Nutrient Breakthrough From wild…

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Other AnimalsSupplements Liquid DMG

DMG – A Metabolic Miracle!

  Introducing DMG – Dimethlyglycine . Dimethlyglycine (DMG)  is an intricate part of animal and human metabolism. In biochemical terms it may described as an intermediary metabolite. Biochemically it occupies a central position in a cell’s metabolic pathway. (1)   This is why it can produce  a wide range of  positive effects in the body,…

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Sprouting Q&A OSB Sprouts

Sprouting Blends – Expected Rate of Use

x Our Original Sprouting and Wheat-Free Sprouting Blends. x Initial Setup: If you are new to sprouting our Complete Sprouting Kit is for you. x x xIf you are new to sprouting Purchase either or 1# or a 5# Complete Sprouting Kit. Select the best size for the number of birds you care for. This…

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