Our Sprouting Blends OSB Sprouts

Why I Created the BBFE

  I created the Best Bird Food Ever! (BBFE) because the ‘old way’ of feeding parrots: give a wide variety of foods, was killing my birds.   When birds first joined my family, in 1997, I belonged to three different bird clubs: RAAVE (Reno Area Avian Enthusiasts), Capitol City Bird Club, in Sacramento, CA; and…

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Malnutrition OSB Sprouts

Let’s End Avian Malnutrition!

End Avian Malnutrition With Our ‘Balanced Exotic Avian  Food Plan’   The only way to End Avian Malnutrition for your birds is to feed them a specific combination and balance of foods everyday that provides these three things: 1. All of the hundreds of nutrients a parrot or finch must eat everyday must be in…

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Malnutrition Sir Charles sprouts

How Does Avian Malnutrition Harm Your Birds?

The Experts Explain From the textbook, Avian Medicine: Principles and Application, Patricia MacWhirter, DVM, explains, “Avian malnutrition [or undernutrition] can cause a specific problem or [completely] suppress a bird’s immune system.” Unless a parrot, or finch, receives the type and quantity of nutrients needed on a daily basis, malnutrition or undernutrition will result. Also from,…

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Behavior White-eyed Conure

How Malnutrition Affects Parrot Behavior

Best Parrot Food for Nutrition   What is Malnutrition? To get to the root cause of inappropriate parrot behaviors, we’ve got to talk about avian malnutrition. Let’s look at how malnutrition affects parrot behavior. According to the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, malnutrition is a common and detrimental condition that must be addressed quickly and…

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Videos DSC

4 Part: Balanced Exotic Avian Maintenance Diet Food Plan

Only a balanced selection of foods that provides your flock a balance of nutrients can prevent or solve all your concerns: Promote Good Health Healthy Beak Shape (no trimming needed) Friendly and Happy Behaviors Calm Attitude Great Feather Condition Reverse Feather Destruction Behaviors Long, Healthy Life Get started today – feed Best Bird Food Ever!…

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Sprouting Q&A BBFE OSB

Dispelling Myths on Mung Bean Sprouts

From: Dave H. To: Critter Connection Subject: Re: Your Order has been Received Hi Leslie I’ve just been discussing sprouting seeds and someone said: “Don’t do it with mung beans though as they have to be done in the dark or they are very sour” He also said: “I sprouted some a few months ago…

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Health & NutritionMalnutrition The Best Bird Food Ever! Complete Protein Sprouting Blend and at 3 days growth-ready to feed.

Antioxidant Foods Contribute to Good Health

Numerous diseases, degenerative conditions and even the aging process itself, have been linked to free-radical damage. A free-radical is a highly reactive molecule that can bind to and destroy other molecules. Also known as oxidative damage, free-radical damage can cause irreversible damage to body cells and physiological processes. Feeding your parrots a “Balanced Exotic Avian…

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Recipes BBFE mash.

Feeding Parrots: BBFE Mash

  Feeding Parrots: Feed this In Place of Pellets The Ideal Cooked Mash   Did you know that when cooked–NOT SPROUTED–the Best Bird Food Ever! (BBFE) Complete Protein Sprouting Blends make the perfect mash for your birds? I’ve been feeding this in place of pellets since 2013. In response to the numerous emails we’ve received…

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