Our Sprouting Blends OSB Sprouts

Why I Created the BBFE

  I created the Best Bird Food Ever! (BBFE) because the ‘old way’ of feeding parrots: give a wide variety of foods, was killing my birds.   When birds first joined my family, in 1997, I belonged to three different bird clubs: RAAVE (Reno Area Avian Enthusiasts), Capitol City Bird Club, in Sacramento, CA; and…

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Malnutrition OSB Sprouts

Let’s End Avian Malnutrition!

End Avian Malnutrition With Our ‘Balanced Exotic Avian  Food Plan’   The only way to End Avian Malnutrition for your birds is to feed them a specific combination and balance of foods everyday that provides these three things: 1. All of the hundreds of nutrients a parrot or finch must eat everyday must be in…

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Malnutrition Sir Charles sprouts

How Does Avian Malnutrition Harm Your Birds?

The Experts Explain From the textbook, Avian Medicine: Principles and Application, Patricia MacWhirter, DVM, explains, “Avian malnutrition [or undernutrition] can cause a specific problem or [completely] suppress a bird’s immune system.” Unless a parrot, or finch, receives the type and quantity of nutrients needed on a daily basis, malnutrition or undernutrition will result. Also from,…

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Videos DSC

4 Part: Balanced Exotic Avian Maintenance Diet Food Plan

Only a balanced selection of foods that provides your flock a balance of nutrients can prevent or solve all your concerns: Promote Good Health Healthy Beak Shape (no trimming needed) Friendly and Happy Behaviors Calm Attitude Great Feather Condition Reverse Feather Destruction Behaviors Long, Healthy Life Get started today – feed Best Bird Food Ever!…

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Health & Nutrition OSB Sprouts

Why Feed Our Sprouting Blends

  Using diet and nutrition for healing and health is the foundation of my work with parrots and all birds. I want to make it easy for you to provide your birds the highest quality, sprouting blends available. And I want you to be successful in learning to sprout the correct way for the climate where…

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Health & Nutrition Sample: a balanced meal for a pair of Crimson-winged parrots.

How  Does  Avian  Malnutrition  Harm  Your  Birds?

  Avian Malnutrition Defined In the avian veterinary textbook, Avian Medicine: Principles and Application, Patricia MacWhirter, DVM, explains, “Avian malnutrition [or undernutrition] can cause a specific problem or [completely] suppress a bird’s immune system.” Unless a parrot, or finch, receives the type and quantity of nutrients needed on a daily basis, malnutrition or undernutrition will result.…

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Health & Nutrition Balanced Macaw meal.

Feeding Parrots: The Value of Complete Protein

  Many Pretty Food Pictures, Lack Complete Protein Among many parrot related websites I often see photos and ingredient lists of the foods these people feed and recommend feeding parrots.  Although the pictures are colorful and the ingredients are basic, it’s immediately clear to me that these authors know very little about the nutrition our…

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Health & NutritionSprouting Q&A 1# and 5# Bags Original and Wheat

Sprouting Blend Ingredients – Original or Wheat-Free

x Sprouting Blend Ingredients All our Sprouting Blends have been especially formulated to provide the highest level of nutrition possible for your birds. Our proprietary formulas contain complete protein. x WHY FEED OUR SPROUTING BLENDS ? x Our Original Sprouting Blend – pictured here Contains a proprietary blend of 100% Organic Human-Grade quality ingredients: lentils,…

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Health & NutritionSprouting Q&A Crimson-winged Parrot, hen,

Feeding Parrots, Properly Grown Sprouts

x x For your birds to receive the highest level of nutrition possible from sprouts, the sprouting blends you use must have these three qualities. 1. Made from high quality certified organic ingredients. 2. Be well formulated to provide complete protein. 3. And must be able to grow for at least two to three days.…

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Health & NutritionMalnutrition White-eyed Conure

What is Avian Malnutrition?

A Condition That Must Be Addressed Quickly According to the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, malnutrition is a common and detrimental condition that must be addressed quickly and comprehensively. Avian malnutrition cannot be diagnosed using blood work because blood work is used for identifying disease conditions. The easiest way to identify avian malnutrition is by…

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