BehaviorOther Animals Hands-on-healing

Healing Emotional Upsets & Behavior Issues at the Source

  Using Animal Communication to Identify and Heal Behavior Issues x Although this story discusses a dog, the method of animal communication and healing described here is an effective method for facilitating emotional healing and resolving behavior issues for all types of animals: parrots, other birds, dogs, cats, horses and other exotics. When working to…

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Parrots MagazineSupplements Liquid DMG

DMG and Birds

Originally published in Parrots magazine, April 2006, issue #99 in my monthly column The Holistic Parrot When feeding parrots a balance of foods that provides balanced nutrition, supplements are not needed. DMG is one of the few supplements  I use and suggest avian caregivers use in very specific situations. DMG, A Nutrient Breakthrough From wild…

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Other AnimalsSupplements Liquid DMG

DMG – A Metabolic Miracle!

  Introducing DMG – Dimethlyglycine . Dimethlyglycine (DMG)  is an intricate part of animal and human metabolism. In biochemical terms it may described as an intermediary metabolite. Biochemically it occupies a central position in a cell’s metabolic pathway. (1)   This is why it can produce  a wide range of  positive effects in the body,…

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Sprouting Q&A OSB Sprouts

Sprouting Blends – Expected Rate of Use

x Our Original Sprouting and Wheat-Free Sprouting Blends. x Initial Setup: If you are new to sprouting our Complete Sprouting Kit is for you. x x xIf you are new to sprouting Purchase either or 1# or a 5# Complete Sprouting Kit. Select the best size for the number of birds you care for. This…

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Health & Nutrition Crimson-winged Parrot, hen,

Flocking Together, the Need For Balanced Avian Nutrition

‘Old Bird Feeding Customs’ Due to the flirtations of a male Crimson-winged parrot, he and his hen were the first birds to join my family. With them in my life I quickly discovered how little information there was available on using natural and holistic care methods with birds. Even more discouraging was the seemingly rote…

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