BehaviorFeather Destruction Green-cheeked Conure

Natural Parrot Care: Why do Parrots Pick Their Feathers?

This begins a new series discussing how to heal feather destruction habits in parrots. In sharing this information with you I ask you to acknowledge along with me that parrots are intelligent, sentient and self-aware individuals capable of feeling a wide range of human-like emotions. Improper or Imbalanced Nutrition Avian malnutrition, undernutrition and nutritional imbalances…

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Health & NutritionSprouting Q&A Crimson-winged Parrot, hen,

Feeding Parrots, Properly Grown Sprouts

x x For your birds to receive the highest level of nutrition possible from sprouts, the sprouting blends you use must have these three qualities. 1. Made from high quality certified organic ingredients. 2. Be well formulated to provide complete protein. 3. And must be able to grow for at least two to three days.…

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Health & NutritionMalnutrition White-eyed Conure

What is Avian Malnutrition?

A Condition That Must Be Addressed Quickly According to the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, malnutrition is a common and detrimental condition that must be addressed quickly and comprehensively. Avian malnutrition cannot be diagnosed using blood work because blood work is used for identifying disease conditions. The easiest way to identify avian malnutrition is by…

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Parrots MagazineSupplements Liquid DMG

DMG and Birds

Originally published in Parrots magazine, April 2006, issue #99 in my monthly column The Holistic Parrot When feeding parrots a balance of foods that provides balanced nutrition, supplements are not needed. DMG is one of the few supplements  I use and suggest avian caregivers use in very specific situations. DMG, A Nutrient Breakthrough From wild…

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Sprouting Q&A OSB Sprouts

Sprouting Blends – Expected Rate of Use

x Our Original Sprouting and Wheat-Free Sprouting Blends. x Initial Setup: If you are new to sprouting our Complete Sprouting Kit is for you. x x xIf you are new to sprouting Purchase either or 1# or a 5# Complete Sprouting Kit. Select the best size for the number of birds you care for. This…

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