Testimonials Pearly Conures, enjoying our sprouting blends.

Rosemary Low: Your Sprouting Mixes are Excellent!

February 17, 2012   Dear Leslie,   I found your sprouting mixes excellent. Indeed, when I spoke about Parrot Nutrition at the Think Parrots meeting, Mike Taylor of Northern Parrots told me he had a big rush on sprouting mixtures afterwards! One comment I received, was that the sprouted grains I showed in my photo…

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Health & Nutrition Balanced Macaw meal.

Feeding Parrots: The Value of Complete Protein

  Many Pretty Food Pictures, Lack Complete Protein Among many parrot related websites I often see photos and ingredient lists of the foods these people feed and recommend feeding parrots.  Although the pictures are colorful and the ingredients are basic, it’s immediately clear to me that these authors know very little about the nutrition our…

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Health & NutritionSprouting Q&A 1# and 5# Bags Original and Wheat

Sprouting Blend Ingredients – Original or Wheat-Free

x Sprouting Blend Ingredients All our Sprouting Blends have been especially formulated to provide the highest level of nutrition possible for your birds. Our proprietary formulas contain complete protein. x WHY FEED OUR SPROUTING BLENDS ? x Our Original Sprouting Blend – pictured here Contains a proprietary blend of 100% Organic Human-Grade quality ingredients: lentils,…

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Health & NutritionSprouting Q&A Crimson-winged Parrot, hen,

Feeding Parrots, Properly Grown Sprouts

x x For your birds to receive the highest level of nutrition possible from sprouts, the sprouting blends you use must have these three qualities. 1. Made from high quality certified organic ingredients. 2. Be well formulated to provide complete protein. 3. And must be able to grow for at least two to three days.…

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BehaviorHealth & NutritionOther Animals Hands-on-healing

Building Good Health

In a group of animals why will one develop symptoms of sickness or disease while the others remain healthy? When wanting to build good health knowing which things to avoid is equally as important as utilizing health promoting natural care methods. The information on this page applies to all animals – parrots and birds of…

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Sprouting Q&A OSB Kit with Glass Jar

Learning to Sprout

Sprouting really is a simple process that’s easy to learn.  However, most people get into trouble by trying to learn about sprouting from the information on websites. The reason this creates problems is that these websites are describing the sprouting method the works for them and where they live.  Even if you happened to live…

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Health & NutritionMalnutrition White-eyed Conure

What is Avian Malnutrition?

A Condition That Must Be Addressed Quickly According to the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, malnutrition is a common and detrimental condition that must be addressed quickly and comprehensively. Avian malnutrition cannot be diagnosed using blood work because blood work is used for identifying disease conditions. The easiest way to identify avian malnutrition is by…

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Organic is EssentialParrots Magazine Maria-Strawberry

Why Feed Your Birds Organic

**With the updated information coming out in the Sprouting Book revision, it’s more important than ever, to feed your parrots and finches organic foods.**(Feb. 19, 2019.) Be sure to sign up for our newsletter so you have the latest details on when this book is available.   When grocery shopping for your parrots do you…

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Organic is Essential USDA Organic Seal.

USDA Certified Organic – What Does This Mean?

  On May 3, 2010 Critter Connection Inc, the manufacturer of the Best Bird Food Ever!™  became a USDA Certified Organic handling and packaging facility. This certification transformed our bird food sprouting blends from a product ‘made with organic ingredients’, to a USDA Certified Organic product. n But What Does This Really Mean In order for…

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